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John Lennon - audio interview by Jim Ladd in New York (U.S. radio, KMET-FM, 10 October 1974)
1974 09 25 John Lennon Interview with Paul Drew at RKO Radio Promoting Walls and Bridges
John Lennon - audio interview by Michael Wale (BBC Radio 1, "Rock Speak", 27 September 1974)
John Lennon - Telephone Interview 1974 with CHUM FM DJ John Donabie
1974 09 27 John Lennon Interview with Kenny Everett promoting Walls and Bridges
The last John Lennon interview, 1980, RKO Radio Network
John Lennon - WZMF Phone Interview 1974
MY REACTION to John Lennon’s only filmed interview of 1980
John & Yoko | Plastic Ono Band Interview (1970)
1972 09 03 NYC promoting Some Time In New York City
1974 09 30 John Lennon Phone Interview with John Houghton promoting Walls And Bridges
A collage of John Lennon - Yoko Ono Interviews with Elliot Mintz